for the year ended 30 June 2019

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R millions Reviewed
30 June
30 June
Continuing operations
Revenue 20 167 21 847
– Continuing operations excluding Middle East 20 113 21 379
– Middle East 54 468
Profit before interest, depreciation and amortisation 1 268 1 331
Depreciation (418) (429)
Amortisation of intangible assets (59) (38)
Profit before interest and taxation (note 2) 791 864
– Continuing operations excluding Middle East 847 898
– Middle East (56) (34)
Net interest expense (53) (41)
Profit before taxation 738 823
Taxation (297) (298)
Profit after taxation 441 525
(Loss)/income from equity accounted investments (4) 21
Profit from continuing operations 437 546
Loss from discontinued operations (note 3) (91) (278)
Profit for the period 346 268
Attributable to:
– Owners of Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited 337 267
– Non-controlling interests 9 1
346 268
Earnings per share from continuing and discontinued operations (cents)
– Diluted 83 66
– Basic 85 67
Earnings per share from continuing operations (cents)
– Diluted 105 134
– Basic 108 137
Supplementary information    
Net asset value per share (Rands) 13 15
Dividends declared per share (cents) 55 50
Number of ordinary shares in issue ('000) 444 736 444 736
Reconciliation of weighted average number of shares in issue ('000)
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 444 736 444 736
Less: Weighted average number of shares held by The Murray & Roberts Trust (5)
Less: Weighted average number of shares held by the Letsema BBBEE trusts (31 696) (31 696)
Less: Weighted average number of shares held by the subsidiary companies (15 564) (14 893)
Weighted average number of shares used for basic per share calculation 397 476 398 142
Add: Dilutive adjustment 8 485 7 803
Weighted average number of shares used for diluted per share calculation 405 961 405 945
Earnings per share from continuing operations (cents)  
– Diluted 105 134
– Adjusted diluted earnings per share excluding Middle East 118 142
– Diluted earnings per share contributed by Middle East (13) (8)
– Basic 108 137
– Adjusted basic earnings per share excluding Middle East 121 145
– Basic earnings per share contributed by Middle East (13) (8)
Headline earnings per share from continuing and discontinued operations (cents) (note 4)  
– Diluted 78 46
– Basic 80 47
Headline earnings per share from continuing operations (cents) (note 4)  
– Diluted 101 112
– Adjusted diluted headline earnings per share excluding Middle East 114 120
– Diluted headline earnings per share contributed by Middle East (13) (8)
– Basic 103 114
– Adjusted basic headline earnings per share excluding Middle East 116 122
– Basic headline earnings per share contributed by Middle East (13) (8)