Corporate Information

Registered office
Douglas Roberts Centre
22 Skeen Boulevard
Bedfordview 2007

PO Box 1000
Bedfordview 2008

JSE Investor Services Proprietary Limited
13th Floor, Rennie House
19 Ameshoff Street
Braamfontein 2001

PO Box 4844
Johannesburg 2000

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

SP Kana* (Chairman) HJ Laas (Managing & Chief Executive)
DF Grobler JA Boggenpoel* R Havenstein* NB Langa-Royds*
AK Maditsi* B Mawasha* DC Radley* CD Raphiri*

L Kok

* Independent non-executive
# The operating performance information disclosed has been extracted from the Group's operational reporting systems. The Corporate & Properties segment has been excluded from the operational narrative. Unless otherwise noted, all comparisons are to the Group's performance as at and for the 12 months ended 30 June 2020.

MURRAY & ROBERTS HOLDINGS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number 1948/029826/06
JSE Share Code: MUR
ISIN: ZAE000073441
(“Murray & Roberts” or “Group” or “Company”)