Summarised segmental liabilities (continuing & discontinued)

at 30 June 2021

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R millions  Annual
30 June
30 June
Bombela  264 258
Power, Industrial & Water  492 739
Mining  2 761 3 666
Energy, Resources & Infrastructure  8 077 5 541
Corporate & Properties4  411 411
Continuing operations  12 005 10 615
Discontinued operations5  1 084 1 259
13 089 11 874
Reconciliation of segmental liabilities 
Total liabilities  14 755 13 280
Deferred taxation liabilities  (110) (104)
Current taxation liabilities  (126) (191)
Bank overdrafts  (1 430) (1 111)
13 089 11 874
4 Corporate segmental assets and liabilities include the inter-segment eliminations of Group balances and transactions.
5 Discontinued operations include the Middle East operation as well as retained assets and liabilities, following the sale of Genrec operations and the Southern African Infrastructure & Building businesses.