About this report

We are pleased to present to stakeholders our annual integrated report for the year ended 30 June 2012. The scope of this report covers the performance of the Group and its operating subsidiaries, over whose operating policies and practices it exercises control or significant influence. The report includes Clough, which has an independent board of directors. These subsidiaries are set out on page 214

The material issues discussed in our annual integrated report, set out on page 2 – 3, were identified through an internal process of engagement with executive management across the business to determine what would substantially influence the sustainability of the Group, and the assessments and decisions of our stakeholders.

The information included in the annual integrated report is provided in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”), the South African Companies Act 2008, the JSE Listings Requirements, as well as the King Code of Governance Principles 2009 and related guidance. We have again used the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) G3 guidelines in preparing our annual integrated report. This year, we have reported at a self declared B+ level in terms of the GRI.

The report may be accessed on our website www.murrob.com

We are confident that our annual integrated report will provide the basis for meaningful engagement with our stakeholders in the year ahead. A feedback form and contact details for comments, suggestions and queries can be found online.

The Group is moving to a combined assurance model for the annual integrated report. Our external auditors, Deloitte & Touche, have audited the annual financial statements and provided limited assurance over selected key non-financial performance indicators. The recommendations flowing from the limited assurance engagement will be addressed as required in the coming year.

The Group’s Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (“BBBEE”) rating and scorecard have been verified by accredited rating agency, EmpowerLogic.

The audit & sustainability committee had oversight of the preparation of the annual integrated report and recommended it for Board approval, which was obtained on 29 August 2012.






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