This report presented by the directors is a constituent of the
consolidated annual financial statements at 30 June 2012, except
where otherwise stated, all monetary amounts set out in tabular form
are expressed in millions of Rands.
Main business and operations
Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited is an investment holding company
with interests in the construction & engineering, underground mining
development, oil & gas, construction materials and related fabrication
The Company does not trade and all of its activities are undertaken
through a number of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates.
Information regarding the Group’s major subsidiaries and associate
companies appears in Annexure 1 of the consolidated annual
financial statements.
Group financial results
At 30 June 2012 the Group recorded a loss of R592 million
(2011: loss of R1 648 million), representing a diluted loss per share of
214 cents (2011: diluted loss per share of 528 cents). Diluted
headline loss per share was 246 cents (2011: diluted headline loss
per share of 454 cents). The comparatives have been restated
retrospectively in terms of Circular 3/2009 issued by the South
African Institute of Chartered Accountants (“SAICA”) and International
Accounting Standards (“IAS”) 33: Earnings per share.
Full details of the financial position and results of the Group are set
out in these consolidated annual financial statements. The
consolidated annual financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The
accounting policies have been applied consistently compared to the
prior year, except for the adoption of new or revised accounting
standards as set out in note 1.
Going concern
The Board is satisfied that the consolidated annual financial
statements comply with International Financial Reporting Standards
on a going concern basis following an assessment of solvency and
liquidity requirements.
Uncertified revenue
Included in amounts due from contract customers in the statement of
financial position is the Group’s share of uncertified revenue that has
been recognised through the statement of financial performance in
current and prior periods in respect of claims and variation orders on
projects (refer to note 9 of the consolidated annual financial
statements), mainly related to Gautrain Rapid Rail Link (“Gautrain”),
Dubai International Airport Concourse 2 (“Dubai Airport”) and Gorgon
Pioneer Material Offloading Facility contract.
A cumulative total revenue of R2 billion, net of on-account payments
of R50 million, being amounts due from contract customers, has been
recognised in the statement of financial position at 30 June 2012 (2011:
R2 billion) as the Group’s share of uncertified revenue in respect of
claims and variation instructions on the Group’s projects. Recognition
of these assets is supported by the Group’s independent experts and
advisers, and is in accordance with IAS 11: Construction Contracts.
Resolution of these extremely complex legal and financial claims and
variation instructions are yet to be finalised, and may be subject to
arbitration and/or negotiation. This could result in a materially higher
or lower amount being awarded finally, compared to that recognised
in the statement of financial position at 30 June 2012.
Competition Commission
The Competition Commission (“Commission”) engaged the
construction industry in April 2011 and the Group submitted
applications through the April 2011 Fast-Track process. A provision
was raised based on the potential violations that were identified as
a result of this process. The Board is of the opinion that the provision
raised for this liability is adequate to cover any penalties that may
arise as a result of the investigation. However, there is no guarantee
as to the size of the penalty or the sufficiency of the provision.
Gorgon Pioneer Material Offloading Facility (“GPMOF”)
The Group communicated to the market in October 2011 regarding
the additional losses to be incurred on the GPMOF project amounting
to R520 million relating to weather delays. A further R80 million was
recognised at 31 December 2011 and communicated with the half
year results. Subsequent to December 2011, the project experienced
further weather incidents as well as unexpected safety stoppages
which have delayed the final project completion date. The impact of
all these and other events further amounted to approximately
R600 million, which has been recognised in the second half of
the financial year.
Segmental disclosure
The Group manages its operations through five operating platforms.
An analysis of the Group’s results reflects the results and financial
position of each platform (refer to Annexure 3 of the consolidated
annual financial statements).
Full details of the authorised and issued capital of the Company at
30 June 2012 are contained in note 12 of the consolidated annual
financial statements.
During the year under review, the Board of directors announced that
it had given due consideration to the continued implementation of the
Group’s Recovery and Growth plan, the expected funding
requirements of the order book, optimal statement of financial
position structure, debt repayment tenure and the protracted nature
of the claims settlement process. The Board was of the view that it
was prudent to raise additional equity capital from shareholders and
intended to propose a renounceable rights offer to raise R2 billion.
On 26 March 2012 a rights offer circular was posted to shareholders
relating to a renounceable rights offer of 112 843 490 shares at an
issue price of R18.00 per share, in the ratio of 34 rights offer shares
for every 100 Murray & Roberts shares held at the close of business
on Friday, 23 March 2012. The renounceable rights offer closed on
Friday, 20 April 2012. On 23 April 2012 shareholders were advised of
the results of the renounceable rights offer. Due to rounding principles
as set out in the rights offer circular, 112 843 499 renounceable
rights offer shares were issued and listed due to rounding up of
fractional entitlements.
As a result of the renounceable rights issue, additional options were
issued to all participants of the Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited
Employee Share Incentive Scheme (“Scheme”). Details of the
adjustments are disclosed in the remuneration report on Remuneration report .
The intention of the Group is to settle any liability under this incentive
scheme by purchasing shares in the open market, therefore no
dilution of shareholding is anticipated.
Particulars relating to the Scheme are set out in note 13 of the
consolidated annual financial statements. During the year,
the Trust granted a total of 3 637 000 options over ordinary
shares (2011: 1 738 000 options) to senior executives, including
executive directors.
At 30 June 2012, the Trust held 5 378 382 (2011: 6 189 282) shares
against the commitment of options granted by the Trust totalling
16 502 112 (2011: 11 173 125) ordinary shares. The shares held
by the Trust have been purchased in the market and have not been
issued by the Company.
The total number of ordinary shares that may be utilised for purposes
of the Scheme is limited to 7,5% of the total issued ordinary shares
of the Company, currently 33 189 262 (2011: 33 189 262) ordinary
shares. As no shares have been issued to date in connection with
the Scheme, this limit remains unutilised.
No interim or final dividends were declared or proposed for the years
ended 30 June 2011 and 2012.
Acquisition of additional shares in Forge Group Limited (“Forge”)
During the financial year Clough Limited increased its interest in
Forge by 3% to 36%, following a put option by previous executives.
Acquisition of remaining interest in PT Operational Services Proprietary Limited (“PT Operational Services”)
The Group acquired the remaining 33% equity interest in PT
Operational Services increasing its interest to 100% during the
current financial year.
Acquisition of 100% interest in Incycle Shotcrete (Proprietary) Limited (“Incycle Shotcrete”)
The Group acquired the full interest in Incycle Shotcrete for a
consideration of R7,4 million, effective 30 September 2011.
Acquisition of remaining 50% in RSC Tshwane Joint Venture
The Group acquired the remaining 50% shareholding in RSC
Tshwane Joint Venture for a consideration of R7,2 million on
1 July 2011.
Disposal of non-core assets
The Group disposed of the following non-core assets during the
current financial year:
Johnson Arabia LLC for proceeds of R109 million on
31 October 2011 |
The South African steel operations, comprising of RSC Ekusasa
Mining with an effective date of 1 July 2011, Alert Steel
Polokwane Proprietary Limited on 31 October 2011 and
Freyssinet Posten Proprietary Limited on 31 December 2011.
The combined proceeds totalled R120 million |
BRC Arabia LLC, 49% shareholding on 30 June 2012 for
proceeds of R2 million |
Clough’s Marine construction operations on 22 December 2011
for net proceeds of R591 million |
The Group’s 47% shareholding in Murray & Roberts (Zimbabwe)
Limited for proceeds of R10 million |
The Group’s equity interest in N3 Toll Concession Proprietary
Limited was disposed of on 1 July 2011, however, the proceeds
were received in advance of 30 June 2011 |
The Group’s 30% shareholding in Gryphon Logistics Proprietary
Limited for proceeds of R5 million |
During the year under review four special resolutions were passed by
shareholders. These related to:
1) The conversion of the Company’s entire authorised and issued
share capital from par value shares to no par value shares;
2) An increase in the Company’s authorised but unissued share
3) Authorisation for the ability to issue 30% or more of the
Company’s issued share capital; and
4) Authorisation for the amendment of the Company’s memorandum
of incorporation.
The special resolutions were filed with the Companies and Intellectual
Property Commission.
Special resolutions relating to name changes were passed by
subsidiary companies during the year under review.
The Steel Business, including CISCO, was disposed of at book value
subsequent to the year-end in two separate transactions. The Steel
Business transaction, excluding CISCO, is subject to Competition
Commission approval.
The directors are not aware of any other matter or circumstance
arising since the end of the financial year, not otherwise dealt with
in the Group and Company annual financial statements, which
significantly affects the financial position at 30 June 2012 or the
results of its operations or cash flows for the year then ended.
A total of 2 936 610 (2011: 2 065 750) share options are allocated to
directors in terms of the Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited Employee
Share Incentive Scheme, further details are set out in note 13.
The directors of the Company held direct beneficial interests in 65 351 of the Company’s issued ordinary shares (2011: 28 000 ordinary shares).
Details of ordinary shares held per individual director are listed below.
Beneficial |
Direct |
Indirect |
30 June 2012 |
RC Andersen |
54 459 |
– |
DD Barber |
2 723 |
– |
AJ Bester* |
8 169 |
– |
30 June 2011 |
RC Andersen |
20 000 |
– |
DD Barber |
2 000 |
– |
AJ Bester* |
6 000 |
– |
BC Bruce** |
1 404 805 |
– |
Non-beneficial |
Direct |
Indirect |
30 June 2011 & 2012 |
RW Rees** |
– |
615 000 |
* AJ Bester was appointed to the Board as Group financial director on 1 July 2011.
** BC Bruce and RW Rees retired on 30 June 2011.
At the date of this report, these interests remain unchanged.
At the date of this report, the directors of the Company were:
Independent non-executive
RC Andersen (Chairman); DD Barber; TCP Chikane; NM Magau;
JM McMahon; WA Nairn; AA Routledge; M Sello; SP Sibisi and
RT Vice.
Due to other business commitments, ADVC Knott-Craig resigned
as a non-executive director on 17 January 2012.
TCP Chikane was appointed as a non-executive director on
15 June 2012.
HJ Laas (Group chief executive); AJ Bester (Group financial director)
and O Fenn.
The company secretary’s business and postal addresses are:
Business address |
Postal address |
Douglas Roberts Centre |
PO Box 1000 |
22 Skeen Boulevard |
Bedfordview |
Bedfordview |
2008 |
2007 |
Deloitte & Touche continued in office as external auditors. At the
Annual General Meeting of 31 October 2012, shareholders will be
requested to appoint Deloitte & Touche as external auditors for the
2013 financial year. AJ Zoghby will be the individual registered auditor
who will undertake the audit.
29 August 2012