Economic performance
Performance |
Performance dimension |
2012 |
2011 |
Movement |
Economic contribution |
Value added to employees |
14 148 |
9 824 |
Value added to providers of finance (net) |
542 |
578 |
Value added to Government |
245 |
196 |
Value added to maintain and expand the Group |
(52) |
(1 150) |
Total value added |
14 883 |
9 448 |
Value added is the measure of wealth the Group creates through its
operations by adding value to the cost of raw materials, products and
services purchased. The chart summarises total wealth created and
how it was shared between the stakeholders.
Value added to employees through payroll payments increased by
44%, while operating covering lease costs and net interest expense
paid to providers of finance decreased by 6%. Company tax paid to
Governments increased by 25% due to profitability in tax paying
jurisdictions. As a consequence of the losses incurred by the Group,
value added to maintain and expand the Group reduced due to a
decline in reserves available to ordinary shareholders.
The Group did not receive any significant financial assistance from
Government during the reporting period.
Everything that is not the natural or agricultural environment is the
built environment. This is where Murray & Roberts has played a
significant role throughout its history, delivering the infrastructure
and facilities required for sustainable growth of the economies in
which it operates.
Some of the greatest challenges we face as humankind are to satisfy
the growing global demand for transport and logistics, power and
energy, water and sanitation, telecommunications, health and
education, accommodation and facilities, and mineral extraction and
beneficiation infrastructure. Our economic contribution centres on the
delivery of this infrastructure, without which no economic and social
development is possible.
Infrastructure owners rely on the various stakeholders within the built
environment to develop, finance, design, engineer, construct, operate
and supply inputs for delivery of infrastructure. We support
infrastructure delivery through our core competency of engineering
and construction, and through the provision of selected construction
products and operations.
The quantifiable benefits of our contribution to society are not easily
identified, but considering the positive impact of an adequate built
environment on socioeconomic development and the scale required
to make the difference measurable, the significance Murray & Roberts
has attained in its market over more than 100 years, offers some
testimony in this respect.
Performance |
Performance dimension |
2012 |
2011 |
Movement |
Financial performance |
Revenue |
35 406 |
30 535 |
Operating costs |
35 567 |
31 213 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
3 388 |
3 101 |
Operating cash (outflow)/inflow (before dividends) |
(2 290) |
334 |
Order book relative to order book related revenues |
1,4 times |
2,0 times |
Opportunities in the active pipeline (R billion) |
74 |
86 |
The financial sustainability of engineering and construction
businesses hinges on the following value drivers:
Financial position strength which impacts the Group’s credit
rating for performance bonds and working capital |
Sound cash flows to support investment and growth |
A formalised project procurement system which defines our
risk appetite |
The project order book relative to revenues. |
The Group’s year-end cash and cash equivalents position was
R3,4 billion (2011: R3,1 billion) after the operating cash outflow of
R2 290 million (2011: R334 million cash inflow) and proceeds
received on the rights issue to shareholders of R1,9 billion net of
transaction costs. The primary contributors to the operating cash
outflow was GPMOF, with operating losses of R1,2 billion in the
current year, as well as contractor costs relating to legacy contracts
in the Middle East.
Procurement of projects is the primary source of risk for the Group.
The Group risk appetite sets the operational parameters for risk.
Prospects are filtered against criteria such as value, country, legal
system and scope, and the level of authorisation required is specified.
The opportunity management system (OMS) supports the evaluation
and approval of project opportunities in the context of the risk
appetite. At 30 June 2012, opportunities in the active pipeline
amounted to R74 billion (2011: R86 billion).
The Group’s order book declined by 18% to R45 billion due to
termination of the Aquarius contract and the de-scoping of work on
the power programme by Hitachi. The order book for Australianbased
entities has increased by R8,2 billion year on year. The
average margin on the order book is within the Group’s strategic
range of 5,0% to 7,5%. The order book is located in markets that
have been determined to be sustainable going forward
Financial year |
Order book |
Relative to revenues |
30 June 2010 |
R44 billion |
1,8 times 2010 revenues |
30 June 2011 |
R55 billion |
2,0 times 2011 revenues |
30 June 2012 |
R45 billion |
1,4 times 2012 revenues |
The following pages provide an overview of the Group’s financial
performance, ahead of the audited annual financial statement.