Ethical performance
The “tone at the top” set by the Board and executive committee
continued to drive a vision for and commitment to a morally and
ethically sound culture within Murray & Roberts.
Our Statement of Business Principles was widely distributed across
the Group, both to existing staff and new recruits, and its message
was disseminated in forums designed to reaffirm its importance as
the standard bearer of the moral and ethical culture we are striving to
embed at Murray & Roberts.
We continue to conduct our business within the framework set by the
regulatory requirements applicable to our industries in every territory
in which we operate. In this, we conduct our business in compliance
with both the letter and the spirit of the law, our Group policies, and
our Statement of Business Principles.
Regulatory compliance became a key focus during the year, and our
Compliance Officer implemented our regulatory compliance strategy
through the latter part of the financial year. In adopting a risk-based
approach, there was a continued focus on existing and anticipated
high risk regulations in the South African market, which include:
Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993 |
Mine Health and Safety Act No. 29 of 1996 |
National Environmental Management Act No. 107 of 1998 |
Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act No. 12 of 2004 |
Competition Act No. 89 of 1998 |
Labour Relations Act Amendment Bill 2012 |
Basic Conditions of Employment Act Amendment Bill 2012 |
Each operating company is developing and implementing its own risk
management strategies that identify and implement the controls
required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Monitoring procedures were actively carried out, and this activity will
increase in intensity in the months ahead. Risk areas of potential
non-compliance were identified and earmarked for the implementation
of immediate preventative measures. No significant fines or instances
of material or often repeated instances of non-compliance were
identified in the 2012 financial year. The only material instance
of non-compliance pending a penalty in respect of prior periods is
the Competition Commission matter referred to in the next section
of this report.
Murray & Roberts subscribes to good corporate governance, good
corporate citizenship and ethical business practices. The Group is a
signatory to the World Economic Forum Partnering Against Corruption
Initiative (PACI). The Group is also a member of Business Leadership
South Africa and supports their Code of Good Corporate Citizenship.
All executives involved in preparing and authorising each specific
project bid, sign a Declaration that they have not committed, and are
not aware that anyone else affiliated with the bid has committed,
whether directly or indirectly, any unethical or unlawful practices in the
preparation and submission of the tender or resultant project delivery.
We do not condone anti-competitive or collusive conduct in any
shape or form by our employees in every jurisdiction in which we
operate, whether or not there are anti-competitive or anti-collusive
laws in place. We are also committed to compliance with the South
African Competition Act.
The issue as to what actions the Group takes against perpetrators
is guided by the Group’s Anti-Competitive and Collusive Conduct
Consequence Matrix. In accordance with the Matrix, no actions have
been taken or are required to be taken against any employee of
the Group.
The Group still awaits finalisation of the Fast Track Settlement
application lodged with the Competition Commission on 15 April
2011, which related to infringements of past employees of subsidiary
companies. The Commission is in the process of reviewing the
application and it is anticipated that the Fast Track Settlement
process should be concluded by the end of September 2012.
In 2010 we launched a dedicated series of educational campaigns
comprising seminars, workshop discussions and online training,
aimed at instilling a culture of compliance within the Group, and
raising the awareness and understanding of the requirements of and
obligations imposed by the Competition Act.
These initiatives were extended to all new employees in senior
management roles and those who may be exposed to anti-competitive
or collusive conduct by nature of their position within the Group. Over
and above the 1 058 individuals who completed the online training in
previous campaigns, approximately 332 additional individuals had
completed the online programme by the end of July 2012. Refresher
training will be offered to all relevant employees during October 2012.
In our commitment to encourage concerned employees to report
observed unethical behaviour taking place in the Group, we
continued to promote our “Tip-Offs Anonymous” hotline service that
supports reporting of workplace dishonesty and unethical behaviour,
including discrimination, theft, fraud and corruption.
During the year under review, 58 cases were reported and
investigated, of which 46 were closed out and 12 remain under
A professional firm of forensic consultants and investigators
appointed by the Group assists with investigations into the reported
cases. Appropriate disciplinary and legal action has been taken in all
cases of dishonest conduct.
Murray & Roberts endorses the employee rights enshrined in the
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996, including the right
to collective bargaining and other labour rights under constitutional
laws, wherever we operate. Murray & Roberts acknowledges the right
of individuals to freedom of association and rejects child and forced
labour. Approximately 56% of the Group’s employees, particularly
those in the South African mining activities, are represented by trade
unions and by collective bargaining agreements.
Murray & Roberts respects the rights of indigenous people and where
appropriate, partners with indigenous and local communities.
Discrimination of any form is viewed in a very serious light by
Murray & Roberts and appropriate disciplinary action is taken against
offenders. We do not condone unfair discrimination and expect
everyone who works for or acts on our behalf to adhere to the
highest ethical standards. We expect all employees and service
providers to treat those with whom they come in contact with dignity
and respect. As a South African domiciled company, we believe that
it is not unfair discrimination to promote affirmative action consistent
with the Employment Equity Act or to prefer any person on the basis
of an inherent job requirement.
To support our commitment to conducting business honestly
and with integrity, we subscribe to a service that allows all employees
to report anonymously any unethical behaviour or dishonesty in
the workplace. The hotline is managed by Deloitte & Touche
and is completely independent of Murray & Roberts. All reports
are investigated.
In the year under review, the hotline received 59 contacts,
of which 24 reports were generated (the breakdown of reports
is provided below).
Approximately 22% of the reports related to grievances, concerns
and allegations requiring human resource and management
interventions. A further 21% of the reports focused on preferential,
discriminatory and unfair treatment in the workplace.